Teen Violence
Teen Violence Statistics
Youth Violence Statistics
School Violence Statistics
Domestic Violence Statistics
Dating Violence Statistics
Gang Violence Statistics
Rape Statistics
Cyber Bullying Statistics
Sibling Abuse Statistics
Sexual Violence Statistics
School Shooting Statistics
School Violence
School Shootings
School Bullying
Causes of School Violence
School Violence Prevention
School Uniforms and Violence
School Safety
How to Stop School Violence
Teen Violence Facts
Violent Children Overview
Gang Violence
Drinking, Drugs, and Violence
Media and Teen Violence
Effects of Bullying
Effects of Youth Violence
Violent Personality Traits
Alcohol and Violence
Cycle of Violence
Types of Violence
Hate Organizations and Teen Violence
Teen Violence Issues
Teen Violence Causes
Dating Violence
Youth Violence Warning Signs
Date Rape
Internet Violence and Cyberthreats
Teen Anger Issues
Teen Domestic Violence
Teen Violence and Video Games
Sibling Rivalry
Teen Workplace Bullying
Teen Violence Help
Teen Stress Management
Teen stress can cause related physical, mental, and emotional health issues. Managing stress can be difficult, even for adults. This article discusses some issues teen stress may cause, and techniques for teen stress management. Learn about teen stress here.
The teenage years are difficult and stressful times. Changes are happening to the body. Hormones are flowing. You are just figuring out who you are, and who you want to be. All of this can be confusing and stressful. Plus, you have parents and teachers with expectations, as well as the obligations of homework, extracurricular activities and maybe even a job. Being able to manage stress is important, since stress can lead to physical and mental health issues. Learning teen stress managment skills can really help. Health Issues Related to Teen Stress Teen stress is related to physical and mental health issues. Being stressed out can raise blood pressure, begin the stages of heart disease, bring on headaches and stomachaches and even lead to changes in appetite that can affect weight in an unhealthy manner. Stress can also cause sleep problems, and there are a host of issues that come with sleep problems. On the mental side of things, teen stress can lead to teen depression and even suicide. Aggressive tendencies, anxiousness and irritability can all result from teenage stress. These items can cause problems in relationships with friends and family, and can lead to isolation in some cases. It is important to begin learning how to deal with stress now, since it is something that you will encounter the rest of your life. High levels of stress for sustained periods of time can lead to long-term health problems, especially heart problems. What you do now to learn how to control your stress can help you live a healthier life later. You can use teen stress management techniques to not only improve your well being now, but to also improve your quality of life later on. Techniques for Teen Stress Management The good news is that there are a number of techniques you can use to help you cope with the stresses of life as a teenager. You can use a number of the following techniques for best results. Here are some things that can help with teen stress management:
You really can manage stress, but it takes practice, and the development of some habits. However, if you take the time to learn proper teen stress management, you will find that it serves you well later in life. Related Article: Teen Anger Counseling >>