Effects of Youth Violence

Effects of youth violence extends beyond just the teens. Teens face many obstacles and many do not cope well with the struggles, instead lashing out in violence causing problems for families and others. This article explains the effects of youth violence.

While in that difficult transition from childhood to becoming an adult, teens often encounter many struggles and instead of finding a healthy way to release the built up energy surrounding these issues, they can become violent. The effects of youth violence is not only negative for the teen themselves, but also for family and friends around them. They are put in a dangerous situation being around someone who might become violent at any moment. 

Medical and psychological experts have determined that youth violence can take on two different forms, both with negative impacts on the teen as well as the people around them.

  • Aggressive/violent behavior - This is classic forms of youth violence where the teen physically lashes out at another person or persons with the intent to do bodily harm.
  • Social aggression - This type of youth violent behavior in teens is seen when the teen takes on the role of the "bully" and intends to harm another person through verbal abuse and manipulation by making up lies or rumors about that person in order to damage their reputation or hurt them emotionally.

Why are teens violent?

  • Teens become violent when they feel threatened acting on pure instinct. Violent youth may feel threatened in a social or academic situation or at home by peers, parents and authority figures. To "protect" themselves against the threat of social ostracism or punishment from parents or teachers, the teen becomes violent in whatever way they know how.

What are the effects of youth violence?

  • Youth violence is a major cause for concern amongst schools, parents and other teens. No one wants to be around someone that might lash out in a violent episode after being upset by something. It is a dangerous situation to be placed in. 
  • Legal and social repercussions of youth violence can affect a teen's education and friendships, which can lead to a less successful adult life. 
  • Teens who are violent and face negative effects of violent behaviors like severely injuring someone or damaging property can end up serving time in an adolescent detention facility. If the crime committed by the act of youth violence is serious enough, the teen may face more serious charges and be tried as an adult. They may serve serious jail time as a consequence of the effects of youth violent behaviors.
  • Youth violence is often a public safety issue and often times are considered dangerous to their community. Unfortunately, family members and friends of the violent teens are the ones who end up physically injured as a result of the effects of youth violence.

Treatment for youth violence:

  • The best way to treat these harmful effects of youth violence is to start solving the problem. Many teens may need to seek therapy for their issues to help resolve the underlying issues that caused the violent behavior in the first place. 
  • Some teens must be removed from the threatening situation to help them calm down their violent behaviors. There are many high schools specifically equipped to handle teens who have been in trouble with the law due to drug and alcohol abuse as well as youth violence and assault. Many teens are more likely to behave violently when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Removing them from the situation where these substances are readily available and entering them in some sort of rehabilitation facility is another step to treat the effects of youth violence. 
  • Teen community service programs or support groups are a great way to get teens involved and to more constructively outlet their frustrations and struggles. It also can get them involved with mentors who can assist them in dealing with the issues they are facing that may cause the violent outbreaks in the first place. 
  • Getting involved in sports or other after school activities can help teens become more social and can help replace that element in their life that might have been one of the causes of violent behavior, in order to stop the effects of youth behavior. 

Overall, it is important to remember that a teen's violence does not just impact the teen themselves but it also unfortunately produces many negative effects of youth violence. Seeking treatment immediately is important to help stop these effects of youth violence.

Sources: thedoctorwillseeyounow.com

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