Alcohol and Violence

Many studies have linked the effects of alcohol and violence together citing an increase in violent outbursts among those intoxicated. Many teens who experience violent behavior are found to be intoxicated showing a connection between alcohol and violence.

Many studies have found a strong connection between alcohol and violence. Many teens who exhibit violence and violent outbursts have been found to have issues in handling anger especially while drinking. 

Alcohol and violence:

  • The availability of alcohol has been found to be closely connected to violent assaults in communities and neighborhood especially in areas that have more bars and liquor stores per capita, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health.
  • Many domestic violence incidents also have been found to have alcohol as a common factor in many cases. In one study, about 45 percent of men are found intoxicated during cases of domestic violence followed by 20 percent of women in similar cases.
  • Violence and alcohol in other forms like suicide also plays a major role among teens. About 28 percent of suicides from children ages nine to 15 were attributed to alcohol.
  • Sexual assault forms of violence and alcohol are also serious issues with more than 40 percent of sexual assault offenders admitting to being intoxicated at the time of the offense.
  • Among teens and young adults, more than 70,000 students between 18 and 24 were victims of alcohol-related sex crimes in 2002.

What are the effects of alcohol and violence?

  • Alcohol can encourage aggression or violence by providing a disruption to normal brain functions. The alcohol works by weakening the brain mechanisms that normally restrain certain impulsive behaviors like violent outbursts due to overreacting to a perceived threat. Many teens who drink and encounter anger issues may take that out on those who the perceive the threat from. 
  • Some who drink alcohol are more likely to act aggressively based on certain parts of their genetic makeup. Those with these kinds of issues are more likely to have the alcohol affect their internal system and brain functions and often act out violently as a result. 
  • Another study showed that people who drink alcohol tend to act more aggressively because they believe they should, which is also a way alcohol and violence is linked. 
  • Those who drink may do so out of a driven necessity to use the alcohol as a way to act or behave more courageously or aggressively. This can also lead to violent behaviors. Many teens who drink alcohol do so for a sense of bravery or the "liquid courage" drinking alcohol brings them. Teens with already existing violent tendencies should especially avoid alcohol. Other teens who drink looking to become more aggressive might encounter others who are also inebriated and might be looking to pick a physical fight to release aggressions. These are the scenarios that can lead to assault and serious situations of injury or even death if things get too out of hand.  

Overall, it is important for teens with violent tendencies to steer clear of alcohol because the effects of alcohol and violence are proven to be a bad combination. It is important for teens working to control their tendency toward violent behaviors to avoid the use of alcohol. Using alcohol only lowers a person's inhibitions making it more difficult to control their actions. In these cases, it is no wonder alcohol and violence go hand in hand. Countless reports of alcohol and violence related incidents are reported each day resulting in assault, domestic violence as well as cases of homicide and suicide. These types of charges and crime are proof that it is important to take preventative measures to ensure your child does not take their violent tendencies or anger management issues too far with the use of alcohol.

Another important idea to note is that it is also important for parents to talk to their children about the effects of alcohol and violence. Many studies have shown, parents who take a more active role in teaching their children about alcohol and violence have teens with lower chances of violent behaviors and teen alcohol use. More drastic measures of treatment and therapy might need to be taken if a parent notices their child's violent behaviors. If their child is also an alcohol user, anger management classes as well as support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or other support groups are a good treatment option. 


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