Welcome to Teen Violence Statistics

teen violence

Statistics show youth violence is becoming a huge problem throughout the world. The purpose of this website is to help educate the public on teenage violence issues; such as gang violence, school shootings, school bullying, anger issues, date rape, and more. Our goal is to help teens, families, and communites get the education and help they need to prevent teen violence. This site offers information on how to seek therapy or treatment for teens and families who are suffering from teen violence issues or abuse. By learning about the causes of teen violence and what each of us can do to help prevent this type of abuse we can help our communities be a safer place.

Violent Children Overview
This violent children overview will give a general overview of the many forms of adolescent violence, warnings signs that a teen may become violent, tips on preventing teenage violence and getting help with therapy or treatments for teen anger and abuse issues. 
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling rivalry, or antagonism between brothers and sisters, may be short-lived or last a lifetime. Sibling rivalry may also cross over into different forms of bullying and violence. This article tells about types of sibling rivalry, causes, and effects of sibling rivalry.
How to Stop School Violence
As school anti-violence campaigns are coming into full-effect, you can do your part to learn how to stop school violence and cut down bullying and violence in schools. Learning how to stop school violence is a great way to take an active role in keeping your child's school safe.
Teen Violence Awareness
Teen violence awareness is emphasized on the national and local levels by groups large and small, making teen violence a topic that teens and others have more information about and are equipped to deal with. Learn about teen violence awareness events and programs.
Gang Violence Statistics
Gang violence statistics indicate that are down slightly from previous years, but continue to rise since the early part of the decade. According to gang violence statistics, about 60,000 gang-related arrests have been made throughout the past ten years.